Biah Nazir Ahmad
7 min readApr 11, 2023


‘’Modern problems require modern solution’’. This is the right time to follow this dictum but with a bit of creativity. We have relatively old problems when it comes to entrepreneurship. Conventional market is saturated with fat capitalists who are sitting on the market throne with large net worth and owning the prime locations but, this doesn’t limit your success rate in entrepreneurship when you have a thriving option of starting an online business in Pakistan.

The beauty of starting an online business in Pakistan is that its market is still prospering and hasn’t seen its heights yet. Pakistan is among the top of the countries where it is chance to start online businesses with higher success rates and Pakistani market has yet to see a many revolutions in this regard. It is neither a piece of cake nor a rocket science to start an online business in Pakistan.

To start an online business in Pakistan exclusively and anywhere in the world generally, there are some golden principles to follow that are the essence of the experiences of a number of businessmen.

1- Plan a business map

Planning a business map is highly critical and important phase in online business. Business map includes the precise study of every possible situation that can occur in your journey. A before time study of all the possible challenges gives you confidence in you and helps you to locate your track with the aid of facts and figures like a foresighted person.

2- Navigate the need of your product:

Don’t produce products just for the sake of production. As printing more money isn’t the solution of poverty in the community likewise producing more products without its potential to be sell promptly isn’t going to expand your business. The challenging task of creating a layout of a business map is navigating the need of your product. A dexterous businessman knows the life of the business is proportionate to the need of your service and product. Make a home work before executing your business plan that you are fulfilling the need of the people. Starting an online business in Pakistan will prove worthwhile as now you could be fulfilling the need of people across country and beyond its boundaries because world is now a global village. Isn’t it?

3- Think like a chess player:

Online businesses need your shrewdness the most. Just having a great business plan you made with friends for 50th time will not lead you anywhere. Online businesses need map that is many steps ahead of a simple plan. When you are starting an online business in Pakistan, you have to study the business modules of your competitors as well. Keep it in mind that you are not the only one who is enjoying the liberty of internet and have whole world as your potential clients and customers. In Fact, your competitors are having equal access and are allowed to market themselves. So if you aren’t predicting the next move of your competitors you are surely to be checkmated, mate!

4- Clients- You need the most:

In the cycle of online businesses if you think it is you, the grass root level producer, who is the most important of all then you need to correct yourself, dear! You will be replaced easy by your competitors and so would be your brain child, your product if you will not focus the client. Please consider that not everyone is there to desperate to buy your products and have your services. To make the situation explicit to yourself, you need to study your clients psychologically and demographically. The psychological study of customers would help you to figure out their buying habits, their triggers for your products, their economical situations and the time they need you the most. Demographic studies let you comprehend the fact that in a population you recognize your customers and spy them, of course not in a creepy way, but to deal when they need your product or related items.

5- Not marketing but right marketing:

It is absolutely the universal truth when they say that marketing is the key of starting an online business in Pakistan successfully. Brainstorm a little and you will figure out this is the reason you are advised to study your clients demographically. When you get the population of your customers, it is the time to start marketing to them your product to visualize yourself. Right advertisement and proper marketing plan will hook you up with the organic traffic and long term clients.

The customized marketing plans make online businesses bloom these days. The time has gone when just TV ads worked and again only fat capitalists with massive revenue could get the screen time. In 2022, the power of social media has revolutionized the marketing industry. The powerful tool of digital influencers and personalized digital posts from celebrities earn your products more visuals. Yeah, I think the plan has already hit you how you will be going to market your services and products effortlessly.

6- Build Trust through Social media:

Social media includes all those digital platforms that are accessed through internet. A right strategy to start an online business in Pakistan is to build trust. You know the real hustle and bustle of starting online business is to build a trustful portfolio. You aren’t meeting your every client in person but, if you make your presence in every possible social site, it would make you trustworthy as well as approachable. The right use of social media for business purposes isn’t like having a personal account. But when you communicate with your customers and potential clients by updating regularly about your services and business that leaves an impressive look and a good shot for business. The trust you once earn is the real profit in a long term passive income way as your clients refer you to other people. In form of referrals, now, your clients do marketing for you.

7- Build website- the game changer:

Wait! The game of online business hasn’t done yet if you do not own a website. Keep it in mind that social media is not the alternate or substitute of website. Website is your identity in the pool of online startups.

Let me fix this for you. Website should be the prime site of interaction between you and your customers. The clients you get via social media can no longer be able to contact you if your social media accounts go down somehow. Moreover, the artificial intelligence of social media controls the traffic of clients on business accounts.

Thus, to build an online personalized interaction with your loyal clients, website development is recommended.

Thus, to add in a quick guide to website building, make a bug free website and design its layout as per your work requirement, update it regularly and through techniques of SEO try to enhance your organic traffic. Hiring a professional is recommended if you aren’t acquainted with website management. But don’t miss it.

8- Make plan according to finance but don’t make it an excuse:

There are many high investment business ideas to work on in Pakistan. But business ideas aren’t adopted on the base of the investment limits only. A number of things act as deciding factors in running online business successfully.

Anyhow on the base of initials investments there are many business ideas that can be executed on a large scale.

Time has gone when only having money enabled you to start an online business in Pakistan. If you have a skill set to serve with, money isn’t a hindrance in your way anymore. There are a number of zero investment businesses in Pakistan that you can start online from home.

There are many online businesses for students in Pakistan that they can start with zero investment. Don’t forget that if you don’t have money, you still have time and BENJAMIN FRANKLIN has said that ‘’Time is money’’

So what about cashing your time like money? In this context, you can learn and polish a skill and you can provide your services as a freelancer. In this regard, you can launch a paid course regarding your academics for the juniors or literally anything you are good at. Even working as a part time chess coach in your community make you earn good. As a language teacher, you can teach foreigners online that can help you monetarily. Providing services of a helper to senior citizens and patients will enable you to support yourself. Meanwhile, you can work on the actual products that you can launch later. Although, this is relatively time consuming but you will be able to learn a lot about your pain points that is an absolute success.

9- Being Responsive: a secret sauce:

You read it right. Responsiveness is the secret sauce for the success of online businesses. The way you response as a business face speaks a lot about you. The quicker you reply, the more serious you are perceived as a business.

Communication is just not relaying on answering the queries of your clients. Your regular update about your products and services in a newsletter form is witness of your persistence and commitment. A regular personalized email series to your clients and customers boost their confidence and trust on you. Always keep in mind that this email contact of your clients in their personalized information and if you are sending them newsletter it must keeping something valuable for them. A trifling email spam would be cause annoyance for sure and yeah you are now in their spam folder. Cheers!

10- Maintenance of online business: a real success

Starting an online business isn’t success but trying to keep it going is. Before starting an online business remind yourself that there are hurdles at every stage. The hurdles you face while keeping it strong amplifies all that many times you didn’t flunk and you ace it. New hurdles in a business are a sign of growth that must act as a driving force for your improved version.

To maintain an established version of your business, you need to map it accordingly. The outcomes of your previous strategies and a risk of incorporation of new techniques help in prospering of your online business. Thus, revised planning, new strategies, introduction of new rates and discounts and updating your technical accessories is the part of your business growth.


All that above mentioned points, we hope help you in starting an online business in Pakistan exclusively and anywhere in the world generally. These are some principles that have helped a number of new beginners in executing their online business plans. Take it as a sign from universe and start working on your plans in the light of these strategies because God helps those who help themselves. Good luck!