Biah Nazir Ahmad
5 min readApr 11, 2023

Why, do you think, students can make money through drop shipping in Pakistan:

Dropshipping is now the talk of the town because it is the legitimate way of earning money without investment. Dropshipping is the sale process in which you sell products to the customers without having those products. WAIT! Dropshipping is a supply chain process in which there are manufacturers, you the drop shipper, and your customers. You own an online or E-Commerce store, customers place an order at your store and you ask the manufacturer to make products as well as deliver them to your customers’ address under your business name. What a billion-dollar scheme. Isn’t it? Making money through dropshipping is neither rocket science nor a piece of cake as well.

It is a golden opportunity for the people of this age to make money through drop shipping and seriously if you aren’t doing this, you are missing the advantage of being alive in the age of internet.

Warren Buffet once said, ‘’ if your salary is your only source of income, you are one step away from poverty’’ but what if you have no salary in the first place? Congrats! You are either a student in Pakistan or a big size toddler still sucking your daddy’s money. By the way, good news is there’s still hope of making money through drop shipping.

The Internet has made it easy for students to earn money if traditional money-making ways aren’t available to them and earning money from Amazon while staying at home is a cherry on top.

Business without investment: A dream comes true:

Amazon is the e-commerce giant that is now the market of trillion dollars all running online on the stake of the internet. Earning money through Amazon without investment in Pakistan via dropshipping is happening and you are one step away from being a part of it. Amazon is a trustworthy platform that in addition to private label and wholesale label FBA also offers a facility of drop shipping in Pakistan.

Give a quick read to this guide that can give you a whole idea of this unfamiliar theory of making money through drop shipping in Pakistan:

1. Do homework to hunt lucrative products:

The first challenge in process of dropshipping is rigorous homework on products. Keep your nerves calm and morale high to ace this task. Product hunting or filtering the product you want to sell is going to burn your calories but when there’s a reward at other ends, the risk is worth it.

While hunting the products keep in mind the following tips:

• Profit margin:

Let me tell you it’s a white lie if somebody tells you that the margin of profit in drop shipping is very high. Profit in dropshipping is exciting but always keep your expectations real with a factor that it might not beat the business that someone is running with their initial investments of 50k dollars. So, if you are having a margin of 15% profit on the product initially, you should consider it.

• Calculate sales revenues:

It is advised to pre-calculate the sale revenues of the product by considering all the possible factors. This will help you generate a business map and by this means it will be clear to you if drop shipping suits your expectations.

• Check FBM on the product:

Always check FBM (fulfilled by the merchant) rate on the product. It’s a feature that allows sellers to fulfill orders themselves. It is a sign that the product you are considering selling has the trust of other drop shippers.

• Check intellectual property:

Don’t forget to check the intellectual property of the products you are considering listing. For that, you may download a scan unlimited extension that would save you from being in hot water.

2- Find the right wholesalers or dropshipping suppliers:

The next step in the construction of your dropshipping model is to locate the manufacturer or wholesale dealers that can give surety to provide the product as soon as you place an order. The manufacturer or wholesale dealer is the prime component of your supply chain business.

For finalizing the manufacturer, follow these tips:

• Sign an agreement with him to keep your products ready whenever you place order because it will ultimately cause trouble for you if the product isn’t delivered to customers on time.

• To mitigate the inconvenience later, decide the rate of product you will be paying to the manufacturer.

• One of the most important things is making sure that you would not compromise on the quality delivered to the customers.

• Also, make sure that the manufacturer will deliver the product to customers under your name. Their barcodes will not work in this supply chain.

3- Decide the way to reach out the clients:

You have many options when it comes to the point of deciding ways and means of selling products to customers online in Pakistan.

1. A store on SHOPIFY can be the source of your dropshipping in Pakistan.

2. Your Website can be the agent of your dropshipping. Customers can order you the enlist products you have on your website. But this would be feasible if you have a higher engagement of the audience and you are known to people already. Otherwise, the SEO of your business can land you better deals.

3. An Amazon account can solve your problem of drop shipping too. But, as you know, Amazon doesn’t compromise on customer reviews so, negative feedback from them on your poor delivery or product health will make your account suspend.

So, never compromise the health of your Amazon account.

Pro tip: a secret that can help you boost your drop shipping on Amazon is never start dropshipping on your new account. Almost give it the time of 6 months so Amazon can build trust in you.

A secret to earn without selling: Amazon affiliated program:

Amazon affiliated program is one of the best features, you can avail if you want to earn money from Amazon without investment. It is a way in which you market the Amazon product on your websites or blogs. The customers who shop the product from your reference link get you a percentage of commission on every purchase. It is a legitimate way of making money on Amazon without selling. It is a win-win for both parties, as you got your commission in hand and the salesman gets more visibility and higher product purchase.


Making money through dropshipping is catching attention of many people because of its distinctive feature of no investment option. The higher sale rate through E-commerce is the indicator that e-commerce entrepreneurs beating the conventional enterprises in profit margin without following the traditional market laws. As long as you are adding value to the customers’ life by your product, dealing with fraudulent scams, and keeping your marketing game strong, dropshipping can prove a great success.